Gavroche is a three-year-old French Bulldog who is the center of his loving family’s lives. A few weeks ago, his family noticed that he was having trouble walking and breathing. They took him to the Emergency Vet and learned that Gavroche was having problems with his spine. Things were progressing quickly and emergency surgery was needed in order to save his life.
Gavroche’s family frantically searched for a way to fund the Surgery, and that’s where HEALS came into play! We were able to help fund the surgery and also help to connect Gavroche’s family with other organizations that were able to help as well.
The surgery was a success and Gavroche has been slowly and steadily improving from his very serious condition. It is unclear whether or not Gavroche will make a full recovery, but the important part is that he is still here with his loving family.
It’s absolutely heartwarming to see the lengths his family went to make sure that Gravroche was able to receive the veterinary care he needed, and we are honored to have played any part at all.